2020 Higher Education for ASEAN Talents (HEAT): Scholarship Opportunity for ASEAN Faculty Members in the Republic of Korea
1. Description
Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) is launching a full scholarship opportunity for ASEAN faculty members: Higher Education for ASEAN Talents (HEAT).
Higher Education for ASEAN Talents (HEAT) is designed to provide higher education in Korea for ASEAN faculty members. The main purpose of this program is to invite faculty members from ASEAN higher education institutions to support their acquisition of a doctoral degree in Korea with the aim to enhance their expertise and promote people-to-people exchanges between Korea and ASEAN.
Participants will receive a Doctoral degree from a Korean university after completion of the program. KCUE will cover tuition, living expenses, and other costs. 30 scholarship recipients (faculty members) from 10 ASEAN Members States will be selected (3 persons per country), and one person will receive a full scholarship for three years.
HEAT is funded from ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund, and Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) is the implementing agency of the HEAT project. KCUE is a non-profit, non-governmental association of 4-year universities, representing the voice of member universities to increase autonomy and promote mutual cooperation between universities for the effective development of higher education in Korea.
2. Award Benefits
Scholarship Period
◦ 3 years (September 1, 2020 ~ August 31, 2023)
◦ Roundtrip travel (one time only): Round-trip economy class flight ticket
◦ Monthly Allowance: 1,100 USD per month
◦ Relocation (Settlement) Allowance (one time only): 300 USD upon arrival
◦ Tuition: All admission fees are waived by the host institution
◦ Dissertation Printing Costs: 400~600 USD, depending on the actual cost
◦ Language Training Costs and Medical Insurance: the amount coverage or benefits will vary depending on each university
◦ Others: various incidental allowances depend on each universities
* All grants will be paid in KRW, and amounts may vary depending on the exchange rate.
3. Eligibility
KCUE requirements
◦ Applicants with ASEAN citizenship
◦ Applicants who are academic faculty members at a 4-year college/university * in their home country
(*Higher Education Institution offering bachelor’s degree or equivalent courses)
◦ Applicants whose highest educational attainment is a master’s degree or its equivalent.
◦ Applicants who are in good health both physically and mentally to allow them to pursue their studies while residing in Korea over the long term.
◦ Applicants who have discussed an academic leave of absence with the university they belong to and how to contribute to their school after their return.
◦ Applicants who are younger than 45 years old on the day that the doctoral program starts (i.e. September 1, 2020).
◦ Applicants who have a sufficient level of proficiency in Korean or English.
◦ Applicants who meet each university’s additional requirements.
4. Eligible Universities and Fields of Study
Eligible Universities
◦ Chung-Ang University / www.cau.ac.kr
◦ Ewha Womans University / www.ewha.ac.kr
◦ Jeonbuk National University / www.jbnu.ac.kr
◦ Kangwon National University / www.kangwon.ac.kr
◦ Korea University / www.korea.ac.kr
◦ Kyung Hee University (Seoul Campus / Global Campus) / www.khu.ac.kr
Applicants must apply for admission to only one university.
Available Courses
◦ Doctoral degree programs only
Available Fields of Study
Chung-Ang University
Humanities·Social Science
- Korean Language and Literature
Natural Science
- Chemistry
- Food Science and Technology
- Food & Nutrition
- Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
Ewha Womans University
Liberal & Social Science
- International Studies
- Korean Studies
- Interpretation and Translation
- Political Science & Int’l Relations
- Korean Education
- North Korean Studies
- English Language & Literature
- Social Welfare
- Women’s Studies
- Education
- Business Administration
Natural Sciences
- Nutritional Science & Food Management
- Nursing Science
- Eco Science
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Industrial Pharmaceutical Science
- Computer Science and Engineering
Jeonbuk National University
Electronics and
Information Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
Kangwon National University
Humanities and Social Sciences
- International Trade
- Agricultural & Resource Economics
Korea University
- Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Kyung Hee University
(Seoul Campus / Global Campus)
Humanities and Social Sciences
- Korean Language and Literature (Seoul)
- Tourism (Seoul)
- International Korean Language and Culture (Global)
- British-American Language and Culture (Global)
- International Development Cooperation (Global)
Natural Science
- Physics (Seoul)
- Biotechnology (Global)
- Genetic Engineering
- Food Science and Biotechnology
- Oriental Medicinal Materials Engineering
- Advanced Materials of Plants
- Plant Biotechnology
- Information Display (Seoul)
- Architectural Engineering (Global)
- Mechanical Engineering (Global)
- Civil Engineering (Global)
- Electronic Engineering (Global)
- Computer Science and Engineering (Global)
* For more information on universities and programs, please refer to Attachment 2
5. Selection Procedures
Selection Procedure
◦ The call for applications will be coursed through the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Education (SOM-ED).
◦ Applicants submit applications to one of the 6 designated universities.
* Applicants must apply for this program through only one university. Applicants who submit applications to more than one university will be disqualified immediately.
◦ (1st Selection) applicants must be selected by universities.
◦ (2nd Selection) applicants who have passed the first selection stage will be assigned by KCUE after consideration of nationality.
◦ ASEAN SOM-ED will note the list of the grantees.
Selection Criterion
◦ Academic Ability: All documents including transcripts, self-introduction, study plan, certificates of language proficiency (Korean and/or English), recommendations, published papers and awards, etc. will be evaluated by the university.
◦ Future Contribution: Applicants should consult with the university they belong to (or with their Ministry of Education) very thoroughly regarding their academic leave of absence for the duration of their doctoral studies in Korea and how to contribute to their school when they return home after finishing their studies in Korea.
* Applicants must submit a letter that contains the official seal of their university president confirming their employment status at the university, as well as the university president’s approval on their study plans in Korea.
6. Application Submission
Place of Submission: University Admission’s Office
Applicants are to submit applications by airmail or online to one of the six designated universities directly. For further information, please check Attachment 2
Deadline of Submission
Deadline of Submission
Chung-Ang University
Ewha Womans University
2020.3.16 ~ 3.27
Jeonbuk National University
2020.3.25 ~ 3.30
Kangwon National University
Korea University
2020.3.09 ~ 3.20 (online application)
2020.3.09 ~ 3.27 (document submission)
Kyung Hee University
2020.3.02 ~3.20
Required documents: please refer to Attachment 2
◦ Announcement of Final Grantees: at the end of June (notification provided by the university directly and via the KCUE websites)
◦ Entry into Korea: by August 31
◦ Course Start Date for the 1st Semester of 2020: September 1st
7. Contact
KCUE Contact
JungEun Lee, Researcher, International Cooperation Division, KCUE
Phone: +82-2-6919-3955/ Fax: +82-2-6919-3910/E-mail: jeun@kcue.or.kr
The guidelines and university information will be available at the KCUE website:
‣ KCUE (www.kcue.or.kr - English website): News → Higher Education News → Higher Education for ASEAN Talents (HEAT)
University Contact
◦ Contact Person: Attachment 1
◦ More information on admission/programs: Attachment 2
Attachment #1
University Information
Address: Korean Council for University Education, International Cooperation Division, Daesung D-Polis A 23F, 606, Seobusaet-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, ROK
Address & Website
Chung-Ang University (Graduate School)
Grace(Jung-Soon) Kang
Address: 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
Website: http://oia.cau.ac.kr
Ewha Womans University
(International Student Affairs Team)
Jina Kim
Address: 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
Website: http://isa.ewha.ac.kr
Jeonbuk National University
(Office of International Affairs)
Juhyun Byeon
`Address: 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, 54896 Republic of Korea
Website: http://www.jbnu.ac.kr/eng/
Seulki Park
Kangwon National University
(Office of
International Affairs)
Huiyeon Mun
Address: (Chuncheon campus) 1 Gangwondaehakgil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do,
24341 Republic of Korea
Website: http://www.kangwon.ac.kr/english
Korea University
(School of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering)
Program: Esther Kim
Program: contact via e-mail
Address: 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Korea
Website: http://www.korea.edu/mbshome/mbs/en
Website: http://ace.korea.edu/ace_en/index.do
Kyunghee University
1) Graduate School
2) Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies
(Seoul)Kim, Bo-young
Address: 1) 26 Kyunghee-daero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02447, Korea
2) 1732 Deogyeong-daero Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-Do 17104, Korea
Website : gskh.khu.ac.kr
(Global)Jeong, Yun-seong
Lee, Ho-chan